Harvard Law Professor Sues DNC- Demands They Refund Donors

Jared Beck a Harvard Law professor is one of the attorneys backing a law suit against the DNC demanding they refund donors due to the Presidential primaries being rigged against Bernie Sanders and in favor of Hillary Clinton.

Apparently the DNC charter under Article 5, Section 4 of the DNC’s charter states 'the organization will operate with total neutrality throughout the course of the Democratic primaries.'


I think it's pretty clear to anyone with half a brain that the DNC was all in on HRC and made it so Sanders never had a legitimate chance at the nomination regardless of the enthusiastic support and numbers that Sanders was able to draw at his rallies compared to the funeral like events the Clinton campaign held (far and few between.

I remember seeing this story break back in October 2015- it was then that I knew that the DNC was in the bag for HRC- Sanders supporters and contributors were obviously defrauded giving money and support thinking their candidate actually had a chance at the nomination when in reality he never did.


Here's an unedited livestream interview I conducted with some Sanders supporters who were in Washington DC for the inauguration. Good interview once we get through the technical stuff at the beginning. These cool folks were handing out Bernie's Papers- rolling papers.

Let's see if the DNC will be held financially accountable to contributors who deserved their candidate to have a fair chance.

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