A last minute shoot with Lauren


Sometimes shoots present themselves at the less than ideal times. Like this one with Lauren. We'd talked for ages about shooting and could never find a time that suited us both. At one stage she found herself driving close by to where I was based so rang me just on the off chance I was available to shoot. At that moment I was just packing to head off to the airport for a business trip but had about an hour to spare.

My instant reaction was to say no but as I was chatting to her I thought if I had an hour to kill then why not. If nothing else it could have acted as a test shoot to see if I wanted to organise a proper planned out shoot with her. So we quickly put a plan together and she arrived within 5 mins. She had no outfits prepped other than what she was wearing, and the lingerie set underneath. I quickly threw a few speedlights into brackets and setup some beauty dishes with grids. I'd seen some of this models previous work and knew she did that kind of moody boudoir look very well so thats what we shot.

For such a quick thrown together shoot I think we did pretty well. As a bonus she even dropped me out to the airport afterwards to catch my flight.

I'm typing this really as a reminder for myself, I should heed my own advise and take the opportunity to shoot more. There's probably countless great shoot opportunities I've passed up because they weren't totally convenient. Thankfully this was one where I said yes.




It was probably the quickest, least planned out shoot I've done in my life but

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