STEEMIT World, MEET the Discord Community's Latest "Member"... WhaleBoT! 🐋 🐳

For those of you who haven't realized yet, with some of the issues popping up with the past few weeks, several communities have been building up on DISCORD as well! The added benefit of this is that people can also join in voice conferences as well, just like with Skype, Mumble, or TeamSpeak.


However, the interface (which is app or browser-based) is super-cool, super-slick, and there are many great features that just keep getting better. Once they get screen sharing in there, I think people may all but give up using skype except mostly for "real-world" phone calls and some p2p messaging with those not yet on... discord!

However, as I found myself hanging out more in @officialfuzzy's Whaleshares Discord Chat, I noticed a few "issues" cropping up. If I'm not staring at my trading platform tymoraPRO tradeSCAN, I may miss a few things!

And that's how WhaleBoT was "born"...!

At first, WhaleBoT's purpose was to post updates of any significant price changes in Whaleshares on the bitshares exchange. Wouldn't want to miss a great arbitrage opportunity that may pop up to grab some more of 'em real cheap!

But being the obsessed programming lunatic I am, next I added updates on STEEM, SBD, and BTS.

🐳 WhaleBoT: STEEM=1.76 USD :: SBD=1.62 USD :: BTS=0.26 USD [cmc]
WhaleBoT: WhaleShares are currently trading at 6.10 BTS, or 1.57 USD, down 20% [vp=56.29%]

But that didn't seem enough either! People in the room needed to know the basics of the "ecosystem"! Make sure you read the # faq. Don't post your links in # general. Don't beg others for votes or follows.

WhaleBoT can now even greet new users directly with an introductory private message, and he also introduces every few new members to all other members in the room as well!

🐳 WhaleBoT: Please welcome our newest members to the Whaleshares Discord Chat!
[@scooter77, @Kritos, @LewisGlasgow, @matko-md, @deism12]
We're now up to 916 members!

And don't worry... if for some reason you "forget your manners" and start asking others for upvotes and follows, WhaleBoT will help out with a kind and gentle reminder for you!

🐳 WhaleBoT: @votebegger, warning: vote/follow begging is shunned upon, watch out or I'll EAT YA! 🙁

Don't let your big post payouts "get to your head" by using an "ego-flaunting" nickname, lest WhaleBoT will be quick to "cut ya down to size", or else he's EAT YA! lol

🐳 WhaleBoT: @YourRoyalSteemitPostMasterSBD, I'm gonna sit on your face and smoosh that Royal Ego right outta ya! lol

And, of course, what are rules if people still miss 'em, forget 'em, break 'em! So WhaleBoT also detected when people still posted their links in # general instead of # postpromotion, and automatically deleted them and gave a nice stern warning, helping to maintain a "sense of order" in the room!

🐳 WhaleBoT: @postspammer, warning: stick your darn post links in # postpromotion where they belong, or else I'm just gonna EAT 'EM! 😒

Needless to say, people started having a blast with WhaleBoT, from trying to "trip him up", to give him some hugs and love just to have him give some back!

🐳 WhaleBoT: @WhaleBoT_Huggie, 😊😊 awww, bring it in here big guy! 😊😊

WhaleBoT can sometimes be a bit temperamental, but he's very forgiving, especially if you offer him hugs! lol

And at some point along the way, several other rooms noticed some of WhaleBoT's features and asked if they can also "invite" WhaleBoT to their "parties" as well! So now, WhaleBoT is a member of SteemGigs, SteemTrail, and SteemLab on discord as well! If you're interested in adding WhaleBoT to your discord server as well, just hit me up over there at @alexpmorris!

STEEMIT-Related Discord Chats you can Join, along with their respective "INVITE" Links!

Link: Whaleshares Discord Chat Invite
Link: SteemGigs Discord Chat Invite
Link: SteemTrail Discord Chat Invite
Link: SteemSpeak Discord Chat Invite
Link: Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Network (PALnet) Discord Chat Invite
Link: Steemit-Mycology Discord Chat Invite (for Mushroom/Foraging Fans)
Link: Looking for Niche Discord Chat Invite (find Steemians with similar interests)

The "FACE" of WhaleBoT...

I'd also like to give a shoutout to @justcallmemyth, whose excellent animated design submission to the Whaleshares "Meta-Token" logo contest was used to represent the "face" of WhaleBoT!

For those curious how WhaleBoT was built, he's programmed in Java using the terrific DiscordJ library maintained by austinv11.

I hope austinv11 joins STEEMIT soon so that we can all show him some "STEEMIT love" with a big boost and a bunch of upvotes as a "thank you" for all the great work he's done maintaining this library!


If you find yourself addicted to STEEMIT, just wait 'til you're directly voice interacting with other steemians in discord! It's like a 24 hour party and you just may never want to leave!

However, if you do need a break, you can join me for a nice "change of pace" with a MUSHROOM HUNT in Central Park, as I wrote about in my last post! I wouldn't want you all to think I have little more to talk about besides trading, investing, and STEEMIT tips and tricks!

And there's nothing better than a NATURE WALK to help refresh your perspective and replenish your soul! And if you can do it with Gary Lincoff, one of the foremost mycologists on the planet, it's even that much more thrilling an experience! :)

Gary Lincoff holding a giant (edible but chewy) "black-staining polypore"!

What are your thoughts and experiences with WhaleBoT, or with MUSHROOMS?
Please share in the comments below!

As always, I appreciate your upvote, your follow and all your comments!

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