How to buy VIVA now with Steem or SBD / VIVAの買う方

Got some Steem or Steem Dollars just sitting in your wallet?

Well, what are you waiting for? Beat the ICO and buy VIVA now!

Here’s how to do it.


Step 1: Create an account at Tradeqwik.このサイトでアカウントを作る。

Step 2: Open the menu bar and click the Manage Funds option.メニューからManage Fundsをクリックして。


Step 3: Click on the currency you want to use. In this case, I have opened USD to show you where your SBD will end up if you choose to transfer SBD to your Tradeqwik account. Copy the transaction number listed under the Deposit option.使いたい通貨選んで(この例えでスチームドルにしました).トランスアクション番号をコピーして。


Step 4: Open your Steemit account and go to you wallet. If you are transferring SBD, click on the arrow next to your balance and then click on Transfer. If you want to convert your SBD to STEEM first, that might be a good option right now. スチームワーレットを開いて。スチームドルを使う場合はスチームドルの隣にある三角をクリックして。


Step 5: In the To section, write tradeqwik. In the amount section, write the amount you wish to transfer. This will become the money in your Tradeqwik account that you can use to purchase VIVA coins with. In the memo section, paste the transaction number that you copied in Step 3. 送付先で「tradeqwik」を書いて。そして使いたいの金額を記入して。最後に「Memo」が書いてあるところでトランスアクション番号をペストして。



Step 6: Press Submit and enter your password to authorize the transaction. 「Submit」ボタンを押してパスワードを記入して。

Step 7: Check your Tradeqwik account to see that the funds have been transferred. This shouldn’t take more than five minutes and will most likely happen almost instantaneously. 金額がTradeqwikのアカウントに入ったかどうか確認して。

Step 8: When the funds have arrived in your account, open the main menu (the three horizontal lines at the top of your screen) and click on the Exchange option. This will bring you to a list of currencies that are accepted. If you are using SBD, click on the VIVA/USD option because your SBD will have been exchanged into USD. メニューで「Exchange」を押して。そうすると色な通貨が出ってきます。使いたい通貨選んで。スチームドルの場合は「USD」を使わなければなれない。


Step 9: Enter the amount of VIVA coins you want to buy and press the green BUY VIVA button. 「VIVAコイン」を買いたい数を記入して。「Buy」ボタンを押して。

Step 10: Pat yourself on the back because you have done it. 「VIVAコイン」を買うことが出来ました。

Congratulations! Welcome to the VIVAconomy! おめでとうございます。そして「VIVAconomy」へようこそ。

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