Want to Steemit Better? Then Join WhaleTank

Most of us Steemians want to know and learn about the techniques, strategies, and communities that will help us achieve our goals here on Steemit. We all found out about Steemit from somewhere and decided to make the jump to join for some reason (s).

Whatever your reason for being on Steemit, there is a reason.

Whether it be to help, learn, earn, network, love, or meet to new people. We all have a goal or multiples goals we want to achieve from our time on Steemit. Wouldn't it be nice if there was a place where you could figure out the best way to achieve your specific goal (s).

Simply put, do you want to Steemit better?

Then join Whaletank.


What is Whaletank?

Whaletank is where ideas become a reality. you can literally talk to some of the most influential people on Steemit and pitch and bounce your ideas off them. All in an effort to streamlining making these ideas transition from the "idea phase" to the "go phase."

Whaletank is a Beyond Bitcoin series that features a voice chat for multiple hours on the Mumble platform. It basically Shark Tank on CNBC how it was supposed it be.

A place where dream chasers can pitch their ideas to influential, successful individuals with the goal of constructive feedback getting additional partners, and securing funding.

One of the reasons I despise Shark Tank is that they really don't care. The judges. They don't care about the individuals presenting. All they see is dollar signs. And they will tell you this. Just look up some past interviews of Mark Cuban and the other judges. Elite schmucks. They just use the show to boost their ego and their wealth. This is the opposite of what the Universe intended with this idea.

But thankfully @officialfuzzy channeled the Universe the right way and is fulfilling this purpose of helping individuals with their dreams and ideas. He does this by providing a platform, the Beyond Bitcoin Hangouts on Mumble, that encourages interaction, free flowing of ideas, and constructive criticism & conversation.

@officalfuzzy , @jphenderson , and the rest of the Beyond Bitcoin and Whaleshares team are killing the game right now. Helping so many Steemians streamline their ideas and thus their lives. The results are absolutely magical.

Take today's Whale Tank, the amount of epic ideas presented was truly inspirational. So many Steemians are giving their mind, body, and soul for their projects. All to better the community that they love so much. It was absolutely something special to witness.

If you missed it don't worry @officialfuzzy records them all and sponsors a video contest for recap videos. So there are plenty of high-quality audio files available to anyone who missed it and wants to listen.

For myself personally, this was a truly transformational WhaleTank experience.

Besides being part of the the Community Casino and Steemit Gaming pitches, I met two Steemians who my gut instinct tells me will be lifelong friends and life long partners in creating real, positive change on and off this amazing platform.

Both @themarkymark and @rideofpassion both are doing amazing things with their time and effort. All in an effort to better the community and many people in the process

I never would have met them if it wasn't for WhaleTank.

As a wise man once said, "people are the real prize."

I truly feel so blessed and appreciative to meet people that are doing such amazing things with the talents and skills they were blessed with. They have tools and they are building stuff with them. For me, this is truly refreshing to see. It is all to common in today's world to see people with sooooooo many tools and they don't build anything with them.

O that million, let's spend it on a new house. Not o that million, let's see how many people we can help with it.

The Universe is sick of this and thus the reason why you see people who used to get away with doing the wrong thing and now are getting busted, exposed, and fired. They are finally being exposed for who they are.

But the nice thing about transparency and brutally honesty is the real humans who want to make real, positive change recognize each other. Almost immediately. Like a gut instinct an animal has in the wild.

And a lot of it is happening in Whaletank.

So if you are a Steemian trying to figure out how to navigate the waters of Steemit or navigating the waters of your life and dreams, joining the WhaleTank every Friday at 3pm UTC is a must.


Not only will you learn the techniques, skills, and knowledge top influential Steemians have and are using, you will also get the opportunity to ask questions and network with Steemians not possible with just Steemit only use.

Most people think o I don't have time for that. I have to create more posts, write more comments, and curate quality articles.

I am here to tell you that being a part of the WhaleTank for a few hours will bring you way more value than one post, let alone a week's worth of posts can bring you.

You know why?

Because of the people.

The people like @officialfuzzy and @jphenderson who put their time, effort, and soul into putting this Beyond Bitcoin Mumble Hangout series together.

The people like @themarkymark and @rideofpassion who are inspiring so many with their actions and vision.

The people like @bethalea and @nicnas , my TEAM EPIC teammates who did a fantastic job speaking their truths in their first Whaletank.

Any Steemian can join Beyond Bitcoins WhaleTank. My recommendation is:

You do.


Thank you as always for your time, support, and attention. It really means the world to me.

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