Gambling In Crypto

Recently, I looked through Coins that have a big potential for short term return. One of the few I found was Lunyr. A simplified explanation of Lunyr is a Decentralized wikepida with ads, and those who post get rewarded with Lunyr tokens.

The reason I chose to gamble on it was two fold, one is it's low market cap of ~11 million. It may not have long term vitality, but I can see it being used as a pump and dump and jumping to 300 million. The second reason I chose it was because it was a new ethereum token and has wide potential growth.

BE WARNED: I'm not a financial adviser and I feel like this is basically a gamble. Let me know what you think below.

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If you do buy any, feel free and send a troll amount to: 0xAc75CFa776b110fF3f5aad7b8DF2d303c49Bc73C

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