HUGE Mistakes I Have Made In Crypto

Below is a list of trades I either pulled out of after owning the crypto or decided not to invest in it. The main reason for me doing this at the time is people generally saying, anything besides Bitcoin is bad, or anything besides Ethereum is bad, or that is a scam... In may cases, the long term viability of theses coins is basically 0, but if I would have invested in them like I wanted I would be able to quit my job and live off of the profits.

  1. Ripple - I originally was thinking on putting $1000 in Ripple as a pure bet, but 2 things put me off; the first being the total supply and the second being it was used for the banks. Instead, I invested in something else which was a good investment long term, but if I would have done what I wanted I could have paid off all my student loans. I would have been a millionaire.

2)Sia Coin - I potentially (couch cough) invested $1000 in mid Feb. In April, if I ever have owned the crypto I pulled it out. I did this because it took my computer 7 days to download and configure the software they used and it was really slow. If I left it in Sia I would have $40,000 + right now

3)Bitcoin Dark - Back in Mid January I was considering gambling and putting a couple hundred in Bitcoin Dark because it sounded like Bitcoin and thought stupid people would buy it and pump the price. Instead, I put it in something else which had a nice increase, but not as near as nice as Bitcoin Dark. I would have $40,000 + right now

What to take away from this?
Use your gut and do your own research. Because someone is saying something is bad, and even though they might be right, putting $100 in something could net you a nice profit. (Do your own research, I'm not a financial advisor)

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