A Bit of Perspective


If you woke up today and checked Bitcoin or Steem prices, you may be horrified, especially if your new to the space, lets try to keep a bit of perspective. Bitcoin is still over 1900 Dollars, Steem is still over 70 cents.

Stellar Growth in 2017

Just a few months back Steem was 8 cents, Bitcoin was 900 Dollars. This is not investment advice but a reality check. Crypto is very volatile, for the past few weeks its been on the up and up. Some may have called this a bubble, but some would say we are just getting started. Volatility is par for the Crypto course, and is here to stay for a long time. This may just be a correction on the way to the moon. There are vultures on the exchanges buying the lows and selling the highs. These guys are experts. Leave the day trading to the professionals and invest for the long term.

Coinmarket Cap Prices 27/5/2017

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Thank you for reading this. I write on Steemit about Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Travel and lots of random topics.

Images are from pixabay.com.

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