DISCLAIMER: Everything contained in this repository is in draft form and subject to change at any time and provided for information purposes only. block.one does not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained in this repository and the information is provided “as is” with no representations or warranties, express or implied. This code is owned and copyrighted by block.one and cannot be used by anyone for any purpose other than testing on the Etheruem test network.
~Bytemaster aka Daniel Larimer
Draft is Up!
Participate by giving thoughts on the EOS TOKEN SALE!
When reading over this, it looks like it very well could be a test run to get the impression of others before moving forward. This gives me a great sense of hope because Dan is leaving this all open as moving forward to be potentially changed if large issues are identified. So if you are looking for the next big thing and you missed out on being early to bitcoin, steem, bitshares and peerplays, consider EOS your next chance to become a whale in an absolutely world class level of blockchain technology this is your opportunity to get in early!
Give Your Opinions about this Draft to Dan himself on EOS Telegram
This is your chance to voice thoughts and concerns before it is finalized and maybe even have a role in polishing this draft! So what do you say? Want to be part of EOS History? Now you can...