E204 2017-04-21 Beyond Bitcoin - PeerPlays, BitCash, Virgrow, Viva!

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What is Virgrow?
VIRGROW UIA will serve as an investment in an assortment of cryptocurrencies. While also partially investing in top market cap cryptocurrencies and some steem(it) related UIAs including TRAIL & TASKAMANGER. Recent VIRGROW info & update here. @virtualgrowth

Visit VIRGROW Market

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@steemrollin of BitCash

What is bitCash?
Bitcash on the Bitshares platform ... we should be launching beta for Bitcash Trade in a couple weeks, a simplified way to buy Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitshares, Steem and other digital assets. ~@steemrollin

Learn about bitCash

Read updates and support @steemrollin's blog for more information on bitcash and future updates!

@williambanks of Viva

What is Viva?
VIVA is a unique blockchain project with a technical design that evolves beyond Proof of Work, Proof of Stake and Distributed Proof of Stake.
VIVA introduces a concept called Proof of Authority; a system that delivers instant transactions and seamless consensus. Our CTO, William Banks contrasts various models in his Game of Chains article published on Steemit.(1) But to summarize, Proof of Authority disposes of certain egalitarian notions involved in weaker consensus models and replaces them with cryptographic signature proofs and business contracts enforced by the network and also backed by the network. ~Viva Coin Blog~

Join the Viva ICO

Check out the Viva Blog to learn more about the project and keep up to date!
Follow @williambanks on steem to learn from one of the project founders!

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