Sometimes an Epic Idea just isn't enough...

Image Cred to @jamesbrown also needs an amazing community to give it life. quote @officialfuzzy
WhaleShares Discord Group is LIVE!
So with that said the beyond bitcoin crew has created a WhaleShares Discord Group to compliment the Epic Idea that is WhaleShares. In case you have no clue what WhaleShares are, check out @jphenderson's post What is WhaleShares?, but if you already know, feel free to move on ahead in this!
Where we will First Announce Contests!
For those not aware, we are distributing early whaleshares tokens to people who help us build our movement and help ensure our community stays strong. Why? Because whaleshares was Designed for communities! So we feel like Contests are among the best ways to get community participation...
You will learn of all contests at the WhaleShares Discord FIRST!
And in Case you missed it, Join this week's WhaleShares Art Contest for a chance at WhaleShares prizes worth thousands of Steem! Check out some of our new and talented community member's work already!

Where we will do random Giveaways of WhaleShares tokens!
Just being in our discord when @officialfuzzy joins means that everyone with a BitShares Account could become a target for a FREE drop of WhaleShares tokens into their BitShares Wallet.
Need a BitShares Wallet?
Download BitShares Wallet

While you are at it...

Listen to last week's Beyond Bitcoin Hangout Here!
Join Crypto History...If you have what it takes, Join WhaleShares Discord Today!
And don't forget that being there and active will earn you Free WhaleShares!
All BeyondBitcoin content is powered by so please join the new social media movement that enables Creative Commons content creators and Open Source developers to earn funding for participating in the community's growth and sustenance. Post to to earn and pay others with a simple upvote!