Why vote on ´sc-steemit´ as witness


15 witnesses before me has not done any work and I think I do better than them.
Support me as a witness by voting on https://steemit.com/~witnesses

Why vote on me, sc-steemit, as witness

First of all, I think I'm a better witness than 15 witnesses before me that has not done any blocks for a long time. I have 15 dead witnesses between me and the upper halve of the witness list.

I run a stable rig

I maintain a stable system, with a redundant backup system. Since my start ~10 months ago, I've only missed 15 blocks. That's a failure margin of about 0.5% if I estimate my witness has generated ~3000 blocks in the time it's been running.

Most of these "misses" was an issue with the network giving the same block to two witnesses at the same time as well, while some are issues of mine.

I support great communities

I'm involved, more or less, in some great communities and do as much work as I can for them. I can honestly say that I could do more for the Steem community again. Though, I do try to do my best for them all. These great communities are #gridcoin, #bitshares, #whaleshares and of course #steem.

Looking forward to the new #whaleshares platform, a project by our all @officialfuzzy, which is a fork of Steem. I have intentions to help out and do work on their platform, in essence making contributions to the steem platform.

I've been heavily involved in the Bitshars platform, mainly as part of the UI team coordinated by @billbutler, but also as a core testnet tester (as I'm still only an inactive backup witness). I find this a very worthy platform and a project driven and maintained by the community. A platform that helps all the Steem users trade their assets and fiat, is in my eyes a worthy project!

I support the #gridcoin community, not only by maintaining the gridcoinstats explorer, but as a curator and article writer of science. Something that I can't do enough! :)

So go vote today!

If you think I'm worthy of a vote from you, do vote on me on the witness voting section. Your vote will tell me that I do a good job.

If you think someone else is worthy, do vote for them. I will not be sad if you're not voting for me. Either way, voting is your way of telling the witness your support of their cause and their work.

Vote for me as Witness

Enjoy what I contribute to the community? Consider voting for my Witness on Steemit or BitShares. You can also vote for me as a Steemit Proxy Voter. On BitShares I would like to promote @fav as an excellent proxy.

By voting for me as a witness, you will support an active witness on Steem and BitShares.

Read my Witness Posts: BitShares, Steemit

Vote for sc-steemit on Steemit

Vote for sc-ol on BitShares

Proud Supporter of Gridcoin and BitShares

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