The Lore of the Broom.

Take the common household item that we use everyday for sweeping up, dust, glass and for me usually pet hair. Yes we are talking about the broom, most of us have them. And when we think of the word broom, it conjures up images of some woman flying around on one, or when Harry Potter plays Quidditch.

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Broom representative in spiritualism.

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In wicca a broom is known as a Besom it is commonly made of an ash or hazel handle, and birch twigs are used for the bristles. The Besom is used to purify and protect and is used to cleanse the circle when casting a magick circle, which is symbolic of sweeping away negativity.

A high priest or priestess will walk in a clockwise direction usually holding the besom a few inches in the air, symbolically sweeping.

The Lore of the broom

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There is also what is known as broom more, some of these are total myth however there are some beliefs that people will follow and keep the lore tradition alive to this day.

Lets take a look at some of those Lores now.

  • Should a broom fall over in front of a door, company is expected.

  • Never burn a broom it will give you bad luck (kinda like the never break a mirror rule)

  • Steeping over a broom during a handfasting ritual is a sign that you will have good luck your whole life.

  • Dropping a broom whilst sweeping is the sign of a new carpet, or rug.

  • An upward pointed Broom near a doorway signifies protection from evil spirits or negative energies.

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So can you fly on a broom then??

How this actually came about was that in ancient times witches would prepare an ointment called a flying ointment. This was a powerful narcotic including the herb belladonna which is know to have psychedelic side effects.

When ingested it was used as an aid for astral projection. So physically no one was flying on brooms, but when under the influence they would have believed they had performed such a journey. Witches then strode around on broomsticks, in the fields to try to teach their crops how high to grow that year.

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Thus there lies the tale of how it came to be that witches flew on broomsticks.

So in conclusion dear readers, always keep you broom bristle side up by the door, to keep unwanted energies and spirits away. Know that if your broom should fall by your door make sure your house is clean, and you change out of those pj's because visitors are certainly on their way.

This article was exclusively written for Beyond the Veil. A newsletter that is prepared weekly, by a collection of people, containing articles surrounding the spiritual and the supernatural. To subscribe to the newsletter please follow @beyondtheveil, to stay updated about our community.

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