Beyond The Veil (day 55)

What you see is a few pages
From the immence library
Containing books from different ages.
Ask the raws what they carry.

Remove your blindfold of denial.
Ask the shadow what it shrouds.
Travel out of your small isle.
Reach what is behind the clouds.

Don't be trapped in your bubble.
It's kind of scary. We all agree
That knowledge is sometimes trouble,
But it also sets you free.

This is real. We tell no tale.
We show you what's beyond the veil.

I wrote this short poem for @BeyondTheVeil. I will tell you no more about it. If you're curious, join the discord group by clicking that wonderful GIF or that amazing photo that @Zen-Art made.

This is my Day 55 of the 100 Days of Poetry Challenge. You can visit Steemit School on discord if you want to learn more about it or to join our daily poetry lesson.

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