My Guilty Pleasure - BFRO (BigFoot Field Research Organization)

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This post is about a favourite website and guilty pleasure: BFRO which stands for Bigfoot Field Research Organization.

My personal beliefs about Bigfoot (aka Sasquatch, Skunk Ape etc.) are similar to whether a quantum mechanical event has happened or not happened. It is both true and not true at the same time.

I really hope the mystery is never proven one way or the other.

The Website

BFRO is a website in which people send in their reports of their Bigfoot sightings or encounters.

The reports are divided into two classes, Class A and Class B. The Class B reports are more interesting but I will get to that later.

Class A Reports: These reports are those events in which the witness or witnesses actually see the Bigfoot directly with their eyes. These are interesting and I hope that I never have an encounter like this unless it is at a distance of at least a mile (with me near my car and the engine is running).

Class B Reports: These reports are those events in which the witness or witnesses do not see the Bigfoot directly with their eyes.

These encounters are more indirect which is in a way scarier.

In these encounters people are often hiking on trails and a large rock comes flying across their path. Then another rock and another until they make it back to the trailhead and their car.

They usually report that these rocks are far larger than even Shaq could throw indicating that it is not a human doing this. Since bears and elks and deer can't throw rocks that leaves very little else out in the woods that could do this.

Other, even scarier, Class B encounters are when people are in their cabins in an isolated and empty part of the forest and then in the middle of the night something slaps the side of the cabin. Usually the slap is really hard.

Often the slaps continue until the morning at which point they stop and the people high tail it out of there.

These types of encounters are either psycho maniacs or Bigfoot. Neither option is reassuring.


I think that Class A reports could be real and that the people reporting them are in earnest. I also have the nagging doubt that maybe there is just this weird software glitch in the human mind that generates odd stuff like this.

Who knows?

Class B reports on the other hand are weirder because you cannot see your harasser directly and that makes it somehow scarier.

Also I find it hard to believe that anyone would hallucinate a rock being thrown across your hiking path.

Closing Words

Please check out the website for yourself for your enjoyment. Have a read, but I recommend that you only do it on a dark, rainy night with your back to the window 8)

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