#biologychallenge 1

You may be used to me posting these from my personal account (@jaki01), well the steemSTEM team loved what I was trying to do with you all, and saw how much you were enjoying coming up with answers. So they have invited me into the group to continue these contests and have offered to help increase the reward for determining the correct answer! What could be more fun than activating your brain and at the same time having the opportunity to win up to 15 steem. 🙂

Rules - what are the requirements to win the prize?

It's simple! The winner is the first person to post the correct solution (correct number and correct unit). The prize for the correct answer is now 15 steem. We will send it to the winner immediately after the article is paid out (7 days after posting).

If nobody is able to determine the solution before Sunday, April 30th, 2017 at 10 pm (German time!) the prize (15 STEEM) will be added to the next competition (bringing that one up to 30 STEEM!!).

Source: pixabay

Your Biology Challenge to Solve:

Today let's make a mental trip to "the planet of dragons" (where the same Mendelian genetic rules apply as on earth).
At this place very far from us the male dragon "Tyrodocus" and his female partner "Ankylotops" are expecting a baby dragon.

The attributes of the future descendant depend on the alleles (variants of genes) of its parents, and we have:

dominant allele dominant attribute recessive allele recessive attribute
A is able to spit fire a can't spit fire
B has poison fangs b is nontoxic
D has red eyes d has yellow eyes
E has a green tongue e has a violet tongue

The dragon parents wish so much to get a baby who can spit fire, has poison fangs, yellow eyes and a violet tongue. Unfortunately the probability for that is rather low only.

Given as help:

  • Genotype of "Ankylotops": AABbDdee.
  • Genotype of "Tyrodocus": aabbDdEe.
  • Genes are inherited independently from each other (they aren't coupled).


What is the exact probability that the dragon baby will have all desired attributes (can spit fire, has poison fangs, yellow eyes and a violet tongue)? Calculations/explanations are required.

3 columns
2 columns
1 column