[Not all penguins like winter] Penguins living on or around New Zealand 2/6: The Royal penguin

Hello, penguin lovers!
This is a post about another kind of those cute birds. This time it is the Royal penguin. All information (and the most of the pictures) about them I took from the Czech website about penguins: www.penguinsworld.cz. Unfortunately, this website is written in Czech language only so that I will translate something for you :) I will improve my English, and you (and also I) will learn some interesting facts about penguins.

Why I do this? Well, because I am a penguin (and also other cute bird :D) lover.


The Royal penguin

(Eudyptes schlegeli)

The Royal penguin. Source

  • World population is stable. It is estimated that there are about 850 thousand pairs of these penguins.

  • They live about 20 years.

  • Their average height is about 70 cm. Average weight is about 6 kg.

  • They live in large colonies about 500 thousand penguins.

  • They dwell on beaches or bare slopes covered with a variety of vegetation. It can also nest on rocky cliffs. At sea, they are up to 7 months each year.

  • The female penguin bear two eggs.

Where we can find them. Source

  • Those penguins eat crustaceans, krill or small fishes and octopuses.

  • Their breeding cycle starts in September to October and ends in February to March.

  • The nest is set in the form of a shallow hole in the sand where they put plants and stones.

  • Their monogamy is permanent.

  • Enemies for whelps are kelps. Enemies in the sea are cetaceans or pinnipeds.

  • Those penguins are not endangered.


Interesting facts

I can see you. Source

  • We can't see this penguin in any zoo in the world.

  • They are very aggressive.

  • These penguins are accustomed to nesting on steep, poorly accessible rocky cliffs.

  • This penguin is often confused with the Emperor or King penguin.

  • From the other of his family, the white color of his neck and face is different.


In the next post, I will talk about his neighbour - The Fiordland penguin.

💙 Thank you for reading! 💙

May the seed be with you! :D

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