The Top Languages Used in Steemit - Business Intelligence Steemit

Image by Minna Sundberg

Did you know? There are more than 150++ languages used here in Steemit? That is just a fraction of the discovered 7,099 languages!1

It has intrigued me what the top languages used in Steemit are. What are they talking (posting) about? And what are the Japanese and Philippine communities talking about?

What are the most used languages?

The image on the left just confirms that English is the most used language. The image on the right shows the next most used languages after English.

The top 10 languages are:

RankEnglishNative NamePost Count
5IndonesianBahasa Indonesia29,811

My mother tongue is at 25 with 993 posts.

RankEnglishNative Namepost count

What are the top most talked about topics (categories) in English?

This basically confirms the data reported by @arcange in his daily stats that photography is the most posted category.

Perhaps this is because photos are easy to post and does not require too much time to compose?

What about in Spanish?

We can see on the left that spanish is the most used tag. Excluding this tag will give us the next popular tags introduceyourself, photography, and life.

It's intriguing that 'introduceyourself' is the next most used tag in Spanish. I wonder why.

How about in Japanese?

The left graph shows that japanese is the most used tag. Excluding this and japan will give us food, photography, and art.

I think it's natural that Japanese talk about food - they have delicious food - and 'art' - I believe the Japanese are natural illustrators as what is exemplified by @skyleap's talent.

What about posts in Filipino (Tagalog)?

Excluding philippines and pilipinas tags will give us wikang-filipino, esteem, and photography. The data that caught my eye was the wikang-filipino category.

The 'wikang-filipino' tag was initiated by @jassennessaj in his Philippine Poetry & Song Writing Challenge.

What can we do about these categories?

The question that prompted me to do this was - what category or topic will bring me or give me the best return of my time spent composing. And to answer this required me to look into a posts payout value.

Since I will be most likely be posting in the Philippines and Japanese communities, that's where I trimmed down my analysis.

What are the categories that will give me the best return of my time?

Japanese Categories

In my attempt to use the X Y Scatter chart, I used it to identify the outliers. It's obvious that the #japanese category is an outlier with 4,553 posts, $25,839.687 total payout, and an average of $5.68 payout per post.

The y-axis (vertical) is the number of posts, the x-axis (horizontal) is the total payout value, and the size of the bubble is the average $ payout per post.

Representing the average payout per post into something visual will give us this:

We can see that the categories cn, cat, introducemyself and politics have above average payout per post with $18.93, $13.60, $9.94, and $8.72 respectively. 'politics' has 6 posts.

Filipino Categories

We can see that there are a vast of topics earning in the Filipino language. And it's hard to pinpoint which one. But if we were to consider the number of posts, the categories that caught my eye were tilphilippines, literature, and filipino-poetry with $12.40, $15.26, and $13.99 average payout per post.

Yes, I believe that Filipinos have poetry their blood. The Filipino language is rich in expressing people's emotions.


There are different topics in each language. Depending on the culture, perhaps the interest of each community, their topics differ. As what we've seen here, the Spanish like topics like 'introduceyourself', while for the Japanese it's 'food', and lastly for Filipinos it's 'wikang-filipino.'

If ever you want to learn any other language besides English, you may want to look into these categories when composing your first post in your target language.


1 Ethnologue - How many languages are there in the world?

This is my entry for @paulag's #bisteemit weekly contest posted here.

All data was retrieved on September 28, 2017.

I am part of a Steemit Business Intelligence community. We all post under the tag #bisteemit. If you have an analysis you would like carried out on Steemit data, please do contact me or any of the #bisteemit team and we will do our best to help you...

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Data retrieved from steemsql by @arcange.

Custom footer by @bearone in partnership with @steemph and @deveerei.


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