Important - Business Intelligence Steemit Tag and Community Notice

Business Intelligence Steemit #bisteemit is a community focused on analysing the data held by the Steemit Blockchain, or data related to Steemit in general. Together we post our analytics and insights to #bisteemit.

The aim of the tag is to give valuable insights to the wider Steemit community about the performance of Steemit, Steemit features and Steemains.

Both the tag and the community were only set up in August and the growth and interaction within the community has been fantastic to date.  We even run a Whaleshares sponsored contest every week. You can follow the contest here

As the community leader for #bisteemit, the growth of our members and the quality of the content that we produce in the tag is essential for each and every one of us. With this in mind, I will be analyzing the tag on a monthly basis.

Aim of Analysis

The aim of the analysis is to establish what content works and does not work for both the community and the tag and allow standards be set.  The analysis will help me find people abusing the tag, or posting content that does not really fit in.  This way we can produce and maintain a high quality tag, providing value to the steemit community and value to the authors that take the time to analyse the data and produce a post around the analysis.

Not only will the analysis allow me fight spam but it will also allow us all recognise the analysists that are continually producing awesome quality content. It will also pinpoint authors and analysists with potential that we can work with and give guidance to.

If I or the community feel that you are spamming the tag or community, I will first try and contact you via discord or steemchat.  If I am unable to contact you in private or continued cases of abuse, I will have no option but to make a public comment on your post with the complaints, and further steps will include down voting. 

#BISteemit Aug High level overview


What is fantastic to see in the first month is that 78 unique authors posted either an article/analysis or made a comment under the tag #bisteemit. As it was the first month, data is a bit sparse, with neither posts nor comments happening daily. Hopefully in the September report we will see a big change here.

Author Analysis

We have had 78 unique authors using the #bisteemit tag, of which there are 9 authors that made a post.  Let’s look at the performance of these authors sorted by the number of posts made in August


Now let’s look at Authors that made a comment with the BISteemit tag


One important factor when measuring success on our posts, is looking at the total comments received.  This value represents the total number of comments received on BI posts.  The average comments received per bi post is 16.32 for Aug.  

BISteemit Team Challenge

Let try to increase this together.  How?  Well at the end of your post, why don’t you ask a though provoking question or ask the readers to make a suggestion on your next analysis?  Questions give people reasons to comment.

Next month we will have two months data.  The hope is to see growth in all areas.

 If you have an analysis you would like carried out on Steemit data, please do contact me or any of the #bisteemit team and we will do our best to help you...

you can find #bisteemit  on discord

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