Byteball wallet 2.0 introduces "textcoins": payment via email, SMS, Skype & cie

this cryptocurrency that has the dual feature of being distributed free via an airdrop on full moon days, and unlike 95% of cryptocurrency ... does not use the protocol blockchain! The team announced having integrated into its wallet the possibility of paying by sending a simple email or SMS, via a "textcoins".

Byteball updates his wallet and introduces textcoins

One of the constraints identified by a large number of people evolving in the cryptosphere is the apparent complexity to achieve a transaction. Who today communicates using the address of the receiver directly? Whether by mail or phone, we usually go through a contact list. Byteball is not there yet, but in version 2.0 of its wallet, it is possible to register a phone number or an email address rather than an address of the type: 1BtjAzWGLyAavUkbw3QsyzzNDKdtPXk95D.

The Byteball wallet 2.0 textcoin system

By clicking on "share via message", the user can send his transaction through a lot of messaging services: SMS, Telegram, WhatsApp, WeChat, Signal, Viber, Slack, Facebook Messenger, Skype, etc. However, since these communication channels are not secure, Byteball advises to transfer only small amounts, even if it is encrypted mail.

Byteball wallet 2.0 textcoin system allows payment via multiple communication channels

Byteball's textcoins inspired by Paypal

In its press release, Byteball strongly emphasizes the logic that has allowed Paypal to be massively used. For example, like Paypal from the beginning, if the user does not have a Byteball wallet yet, do not panic. Upon receipt of the transaction notification, it will be proposed to recover its funds by installing a wallet. Another way to make the payment more "friendly", if the sender makes a mistake, he can cancel his transaction by indicating the mnemonic code that was used to encrypt his transaction.

The payment by mail by Byteball

The payment by mail by Byteball

However, for any cryptophile, Byteball remains higher than Paypal. Because it's a cryptocurrency. In Byteball's transactions, there is no intermediary between the issuer and the receiver: everything is decentralized. Faced with this new model, will Paypal fight?

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