BREAKING: Blockchain Canada Election Results just formally posted minutes ago. Here's all the info from our Election.

I'm a member of the 2 Bitcoin and Blockchain Alliances/Associations here in Canadastan.

The elections are just finished after a 2 week voting period being open from May 1st to the 15th. Votes were tallied and the results and some photos are enclosed here in my post. The email to members literally were just posted and emailed out to members.


Blockchain Canada was founded on the premise that blockchains have the potential to transform many aspects of Canada’s financial, social, and governance systems in ways that make them more decentralized, open, and equitable. Such transformations, however, will affect all Canadians and its important to ensure that all classes of stakeholders (private, public regulatory, academic, and more) are connected in open conversations about how use this science to benefit Canadians and build Canada as leader in blockchain technology.


Dear Blockchain Canada Members,

Thank you for voting in the recent elections for the Board of Directors! From coast to coast, Blockchain Canada Members are today a driving voice of blockchain innovation, advocacy, research and education throughout industry and government.

We're delighted to announce the addition of new members to the Board of Directors ( With backgrounds in blockchain technology, finance, business transformation, legal and innovation, the Board of Directors will lead Blockchain Canada's initiatives to support the blockchain ecosystem.

New Board of Directors Members: Lyn Albert Brooks, Duncan Brown, Anne Connelly, Amy ter Haar, Erin Kim, Yulia Usmanova, Antoine De Vuyst

Additionally we're delighted to be joined on the Board by Dinaro Ly, Director of Finance and Commerce at MaRS Discovery District. MaRS works with an extensive network of partners to help entrepreneurs launch and grow the innovative companies that are building our future. We're excited about working with MaRS to advance innovations in blockchain technology.

We're also pleased to announce Blockchain Canada's new Advisory Board. The Advisory Board will be an important voice throughout the country, connecting blockchain innovators in industry, research and government at all levels.

Advisory Board Members: Daood Aidroos, Cyriac Alappat, Pulkit Arora, Mike Brown, Scott Burke, David Carter, Dino Celotti, Eden Dhaliwal, Rui Dong, Todd Felkai, Patrick Li, Marc Lijour, Rodney MacInnes, Randy McGuire, Brian Nammari, Omid Sadeghi, Minaz Sarangi, Simon Tang, Kiran Vaidya

Blockchain Canada has quickly become Canada’s leading federally registered not-for-profit organization dedicated to blockchain education, research, and regulation. It’s been a busy year as we collectively explored blockchain uses cases across industries, began cataloging Canada’s blockchain startup ecosystem, communicated with federal and provincial governments and regulators, and created an online collaborative space open for all members! Throughout 2016, Blockchain Canada increased blockchain awareness at various industry and university conferences. Contributing to Canada’s leadership on the world stage in 2017, Blockchain Canada is a member of the Global Blockchain Forum and recently led a Canadian delegation for Standards Council of Canada to an ISO international blockchain standards meeting.

Thank you for your continued support. As always, if you or your organization would like to get involved, please contact any of the Board of Directors and Advisory Board. We're looking forward to another great year as we support the growth of the Canadian blockchain ecosystem for the benefit of all Canadians!

-- Laura Pratt, Co-Founder, Blockchain Canada

-- Alan Wunsche, Chair and Co-Founder, Blockchain Canada


Thanks for reading, have a nice day.

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Please note -- I will have limited internet access for awhile -- so PLEASE do not be upset that I cannot reply right away, or to everyone. I am dealing with some changes, and will have limited time online and will be happy if I get a few blog posts up a week.
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