Limited Time Sale: High STEEM POWER Accounts for Serious Investors Only

If you're looking to make a serious investment in Steem right now, you've probably noticed it's difficult to buy a lot without driving the price up and increasing your entry basis.

For a limited time, BlockTrades has a solution: we are offering up for sale about half a dozen Steem accounts that have been pre-powered up with significant amounts of STEEM POWER from the early mining days of Steem. These accounts have current market valuations (as of July 9th) of between 10 and 45 BTC based on valuations. We plan to sell at rates strictly based on prevailing Steem prices at time of sale with no discounts or premiums, but we reserve the right to terminate this offer at any time.

An example account for sale is:


Note that these buys are handled manually, not via an automated purchase on We can be reached via any of the contact methods on our web site, or you can send a private message to “blocktrades” on if you've signed up there.

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