Segwit and the Future of Bitcoin with Jimmy Song and Ivan on Tech

Just finished a Live session with Jimmy Song and Ivan on Tech : "Segwit and the Future of Bitcoin"

Thank you for tuning and asking questions. We hope to have covered the important stuff. For those who missed it, I'm linking the recording below:

I'm also planning to make a cut down version of the talk

Scenarios for Aug 1st
Dispel some rumors / false information that is spreading in the bitcoin community
Theme: Will Aug 1st Lead to a Better Bitcoin?


Tell us about yourself How did you get into Bitcoin
Why do we need to fix Bitcoin Scaling? (eg. currently a large number of transactions create higher fees)
Optimistic Scenario - Locking mechanism etc
Failed Scenario - Betray and chain split
Practical: what do “regular” people absolutely need to know until the August the 1st? For example: is it safe to transact during that time etc..
How do we think we can heal the wounds and get everyone working together again
What misconceptions do you want to dispel - what do you think people get most confused about

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