Analysts say that by the end of the year Bitcoin will surpass the all time high and might reach $32,000 per BTC so I am believing that it will happen as well as maybe it will not but one thing is certain, that cryptocurrencies are here to stay and they will just go up in value especially bitcoin which in turn will drag most altcoins up.
So people should just support Bitcoin and introduce it to other people so that the more people would use it the more valuable it becomes because it makes BTC scarce when many people would store it in wallets of many types and some would just lost in oblivion because the owners forgot the keys for it.
But as BTC price would surge again for that dreamed bull run we yet to see, the pressure of selling is very high. I am sure that people who accumulated BTC will just sell on a steep spike of its price and enjoy their profits just to average their gains just like some traders does. It is still good of course because it is still a gain and a profit. But if you want to look further, there is a nice future for the price of bitcoin so selling this year might be tempting but again, still a good move to sell.
There are many options to take in the crypto world, trading has a lot of forms and shapes like short--selling, to leverage trading or holding to sell later. Just be sure to know what you are doing because you are doing a risky business in crypto, some says that it had gone to be just a gambling. But one rule to do is just don't sell for a loss and you will not lose, maybe only time and your nerves if you happen to have the patience to wait for that time that you will profit.