分享兩句最近看到的好句 Two great quotes I've seen lately regarding bitcoin and blockchain I suppose


This post is to share two excellent quotes I've encountered lately from some sources. I love short and powerful sentences, which convey so much more than a lot of articles.

:第一句來自於比特幣的推特:The first quote from the twitter of bitcoin

"The biggest risk associated with #Bitcoin is not if the price drops. It’s what happens when it doesn’t? "



Absolutely love the humor in this quote. Obviously if you are still wondering why a price rise would be a risk then you don't get it. And I can almost see the faces of some heavyweight bankers having a meeting in a dark room smoking cigars but nobody makes a sound when bitcoin price passes the 100k mark. lol... I am not saying that it is correct, but it is absolutely humorous.

:第二句來自於CoinDesk的每日郵件:The second quote from the CoinDesk Daily

"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster.― Nietzsche"



CoinDesk Daily uses this quote from Friedrich Nietzsche without explanation. So my interpretation is that most blockchain projects aim to disrupt existing monsters in certain areas (banking to be a vivid example) but it is highly possible, if we are not alert and vigilant, that the monster killers become new monsters themselves. I think this is very important for those who support blockchain technology to make this world better !

image - pixabay

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