Late last night I was able to connect with Simon Dixon of Bank to The Future from live on the ground in Shanghai about some of the latest breaking news in the cryptocurrency space.
The criminal Chinese government announced that it will use violence to force all Bitcoin exchanges in the country to close. This comes after them using threats of violence to ban ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings) which they have done in the name of “protecting investors.”
Up until this point the news has been rather vague and mostly rumor filled. But Simon reports from on the ground to let us know that not only is it happening, but it is happening effective immediately.
We discuss all the ramifications in this exclusive interview.
Subscribers to The Dollar Vigilante newsletter were able to watch this interview live and received access to it 12 hours before the rest of the public as we often do. So, to ensure you get all the best information in the crypto space make sure to subscribe to The Dollar Vigilante newsletter HERE.
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