Bitcoin Fork;understanding the current situation.

So, i just came across a news item on medium by Jimmy Song that explains all about the fuss currently going on with the fork story. Before now, I had the understanding of the BIP91 having to be locked in being a condition to prevent the fork. But as this was achieved, there was another news of Bitcoin Cash wanting to be a fork from Bitcoin and all these made me totally confused about everything and just waiting to see whatever would happen on 1st August.
However, this Jimmy's write up cleared all my doubts and I av some important screenshots from the article to share here along with the main link to the article which I will drop below.

So, apparently, we're still having a fork.


If you planned to or have sold all ur coins, you might consider holding some with you inasmuch as you obey the condition below


Although some exchanges have signalled support for BCC, you might still want to take your coins away from exchanges to be totally secured.


I am one of those in support of the hard fork in the first instance. It's better we face the real issues now than having to be doing some window dressing that might backfire in the nearest future.

And that says it all.

I hope you were more enlightened as I was.

Visit the link below for the full article.

“Bitcoin Cash: What You Need to Know” @jimmysong

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