Vital Information for Crypto-hunters... What Ron Paul On Dollarvigilante Did Not Say

What is the TRUE opinion of Ron Paul on cryptocurrencies? 

Ron Paul's answer on the dollarvigilante has been very astute, or was he just double talking?  Let the market choose is the mantra of any true anarchist... even when one foresees a negative outcome?   Why has Ron Paul not stated his own very conclusion... why is dollarvigilante not talking about it? 

 Aug 17 2017 | Why Cryptocurrencies Will Never Be Safe Havens 


Ron Paul does not think of Bitcoin as ‘true money’

   Christoph Marckx  on 18/04/2014

Here is something that was posted yesterday and what should have gotten a lot more attention. All booms have been characterized by an overwhelming optimism -- mania -- and it this one does fit to fit such a landscape. 

In 1996 the NSA (that’s right, a government agency) published a  White Paper titled, HOW TO MAKE A MINT: THE CRYPTOGRAPHY OF ANONYMOUS  ELECTRONICCASH.  And in this white paper, analysts and researchers  laid out the entire breadth and scope of replacing cash and other fiat  currencies with a completely digital one, based on anonymous  cryptocurrencies. 


 ...... A ghost, “named” Satoshi Nakamoto developed bitcoin – no one  knows if  this is a person, a tadpole, a group of people, a space alien  or an  NSA/CIA operative, but, it is accepted, on blind-faith, that it  is a  person, a man of Japanese origin. This story, which is akin to a   fairy-tale because it is only a story since no one has ever seen this   “person” or provided any photographic evidence or any published works   outside of the bitcoin illusion. I am suppose to believe “he” gave us   the keys to the kingdom that will “save us from the banksters”. Is this   the story that I am suppose to believe and place my families wealth  and  security in this mechanism? Seriously?  



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