Crypto market cap fall below 400B in Feb? 二月大泄?

Finally, I received my first indicator from Cindicator Bot, and the expectation from the crowd is not so enlightening. As the indicator suggests, total market capitalization is 65% likely to fall below 400B at any time before Feb 28.

What is it like to fall that hard?

Currently, we are at 550B according to, that would be at least a steep 33% crash despite the market hasn't really recovered from the 800B to 500B correction.

Bitcoin could easily drop below $8000 with the same market dominance. Oh, I would suspect if I was dreaming to see Bitcoin that cheap again after so long.

From both emotional and rational perspective, I do not wish this to happen as I already bought the dip in this correction. Maybe I should change the strategy a little according to this scary indicator, after all they are having 72% accuracy by far. Why not?

Previous posts about Cindicator:

Cindicator #1 - Cindicator, another undervalued and strong project like old day's Steem
Cindicator #2 - Cindicator Bot introduction


加密货币总市值在二月二十八之前,有没有可能在任何一个时间点跌破 4000 亿美金?

而大众给出来的预测居然是 65% 的概率会发生

跌破 4000 亿是怎样的概念?

以目前总市值 5500 亿而言,那会是个至少 33% 的大跌幅,而且还是在目前市场还没从上次的调整恢复过来的基础上。比特币以目前 34% 的市场占有率,那就是会跌破 $8000 大关。如果成真我一定会以为自己在做梦,毕竟上次看到这么平廉的价格可是上个世纪的事了。

从理性和感性的角度出发我都不希望这会成真,毕竟在这次调整已经把仅有的现金 Buy the dip 了。但基于 Cindicator 72% 的预测准确率,或许调整策略也是不错的选择。

Discord ID: fr3eze#8617

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