Bitcoin crashing today thought, 比特币今天暴跌感想


Hello Steemit friends, this few days Bitcoin have been crashing down 35% from the high of $19700 to $12700, a lot of newbie and new comer are so freak out that many of them cut their losses and lose money. But what I want to say is, before you do anything please check the history price action of Bitcoin and you will notice that Bitcoin is extremely volatile and it did not go up smoothly as you have thought

please look at the movement of Bitcoin in the past (using data from Bitstamp)
$1 -> $16
$16 -> $7
$7 -> $260
$260 -> $45
$45 -> $1160
$1160 -> 155
$155 -> $1134
$1134 -> $725
$725 -> $1344
$1344 -> $879
$879 -> $3000
$3000 -> $1800
$1800 -> $5000
$5000 -> $3000
$3000 -> $8000
$8000 -> $5500
$5500 -> $11000
$11000 -> $9000
$9000 -> $16500
$16500 -> $12500
$12500 -> $19500
$19500 -> ???

If you look at how it move in the past, why can’t you noticed that even though it is very volatile, but each wave is higher than previous wave and as a new comer, if all you do is cut the losses at the bottom and chase the high during the peak, how can you make money? for me, this round of crash is very healthy and I think that $12000 support is pretty strong and even if it did break down $12000, $10000 and $8000 support should hold

thanks for reading

很多刚入市不久的新手被这一次的Bitcoin暴跌吓破了胆,Bitcoin从几天前的最高点$19700一路跌35%到$12700, 很多止损的止损,割肉的割肉,我想说的是,你们可以看看历史,Bitcoin一向都是暴涨暴跌而不是你们想的那样顺风顺水的上,所以这次暴跌不用那么大惊小怪,都只是正常的波动


$1 -> $16
$16 -> $7
$7 -> $260
$260 -> $45
$45 -> $1160
$1160 -> 155
$155 -> $1134
$1134 -> $725
$725 -> $1344
$1344 -> $879
$879 -> $3000
$3000 -> $1800
$1800 -> $5000
$5000 -> $3000
$3000 -> $8000
$8000 -> $5500
$5500 -> $11000
$11000 -> $9000
$9000 -> $16500
$16500 -> $12500
$12500 -> $19500
$19500 -> ???

如果你看回之前的数据,是不是无时无刻都在暴涨暴跌?而且是不是一波比一波高?可是新手就是容易在低位割肉而在高位追高,这样操作的话是不是把手上的币越炒越少?所以这一轮不用那么担心,依我看,想跌破$12000 都难,如果真跌破$12000, $10000和$8000这两个价位应该守的住


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