Lets talk about Bitcoin Diamond and Super Bitcoin谈谈

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Hello Steemit friends, recently seem like Bitcoin forking is getting more and more popular, I think this is due to the banning of ICO in various country and the big money have figured out forking Bitcoin might be more profitable because by forking Bitcoin, you can premine 200k of your fork coin, forcing all the exchange to list your fork coin and having the existing millions of Bitcoin user to use your coin

Bitcoin Diamond

  • Official Website http://www.btcd.io/
  • Symbol is BCD
  • 8 MB block size
  • Total supply is 10 times of Bitcoin
  • 1 Bitcoin can get 10 BCD free
  • Have Privacy functionality
  • Fork on Block 495866 (around 25 november 2017)

Super Bitcoin

  • Official Website http://www.supersmartbitcoin.com/index_cn.html
  • Directed by Li Xiao Lai
  • Symbol is SBTC
  • 8 MB block size
  • Total supply is Bitcoin 21 million + extra 210,000 premine
  • 1 Bitcoin can get 1 SBTC for free
  • Have privacy functionality, lightning network and also smart contract
  • Fork on Block 498888 (around 17 December 2017)

Ok, not that I don’t like free stuff, but the fact that all of them are trying to take over Bitcoin and become the boss they might actually confuse all the new comer that want to get into cryptocurrency, can you imagine when the exchange have to list bitcoinA to bitcoinZ and they are really a huge distraction

Another thing is the scary replay attack, let say you just want to sell your Bitcoin diamond, but if you do not move your Bitcoin to a new wallet first, you might get the replay attack and lose all your precious Bitcoin, but as you know moving Bitcoin is slow and expensive and it is quite a tedious job, thats why until now I haven sold my Bitcoin gold yet due to the tediousness of moving my Bitcoin around

Did anyone of you sold your Bitcoin gold yet? thanks for reading


Bitcoin Diamond

  • 官网 http://www.btcd.io/
  • 代号bcd
  • 8MB block size
  • 总量是bitcoin的10倍
  • 1个bitcoin可以得10个bcd
  • 加了个隐私保护功能
  • block495866分叉(大概是11月25号分叉)

Super Bitcoin

  • 官网 http://www.supersmartbitcoin.com/index_cn.html
  • 主导者是李笑来
  • 代号 SBTC
  • 8 MB block size
  • 总量是bitcoin总量的2千1百万加21万预挖
  • 1个Bitcoin可以得1个SBTC
  • 加了隐私保护功能,闪电网络,和智能合约
  • block498888 分叉(大概是12月17号分叉)

虽然说这些分叉币是免费的,可是他们每一个都威胁着Bitcoin想自己当老大,会不会扯Bitcoin后腿让Bitcoin越来越难上,而且如果将来交易所上线BitcoinA 到 BitcoinZ对新人来讲也是很不好。

还有一点就是那恐怖的replay attack,也就是说你以为把这些免费的分叉币转到交易所上卖就完事,可是由于地址是一样的,如果他们用replay attack在你的Bitcoin,你就会失去Bitcoin了,所以每次要卖糖果还是很麻烦一下,要先把你的Bitcoin移走先才可以卖,Bitcoin交易时间又长,要快的话要交40美金手续费,还是很贵的,所以到现在我的Bitcoin gold都还没有卖,因为太麻烦了

你们的Bitcoin gold卖了吗?谢谢阅读

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