Use $1 million to bet Bitcoin Call Option?用1百万来赌Bitcoin call option?

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Yesterday I seen an article about a guy who spend $1 million dollar to bet Bitcoin Call Option, thinking that Bitcoin price will be at least $50,000 and target at $100,000 next year, I am very curious about the mathematic behind this

Original news

Call Option is a very complicated gambling contract where what this guy bought is a contract that allow him to buy 275 Bitcoin at $50,000 each

You must be thinking how stupid this guy was who want to pay $1 million dollar to buy a contract that allow him to buy Bitcoin at $50,000 each since Bitcoin is now only $15,000 each

Let us compare the difference

  1. Buy Bitcoin directly
  • Buy 275 Bitcoin with current price of $15,000 and pay $4 million dollar

  • At the end of year 2018
    If Bitcoin reach $0, lose $4 million dollar
    If Bitcoin reach $50,000, earn $9 million dollar
    If Bitcoin reach $75,000, earn $16 million dollar
    If Bitcoin reach $100,000, earn $23 million dollar

risk/reward ratio = $23 million/$4 million
= 6

  1. Buy Call Option
  • Spend $1 million buying the call option

  • At the end of year 2018
    If Bitcoin reach anything below $50,000, lose $1 million dollar
    If Bitcoin reach $50,000, lose $1 million dollar
    If Bitcoin reach $54,000, break even
    If Bitcoin reach $75,000, (each earn $25,000) total earn $6 million dollar
    If Bitcoin reach $100,000, (each earn $50,000) total earn $12 million dollar

risk/reward ratio = $12 million/$1 million
= 12


See the difference? If he buy directly he would need to spend $4 million dollar and max win is 6 times but if he buy call option he only need to spend 1/4 which is $1 million dollar and get the max win of 12 times

But seriously I still think this call option suck, because Bitcoin price of below $50,000 he would lose $1 million dollar, and if he buy directly he would not lose any money as long as the price above $15,000. I think what he really want is the 12x but if he just buy directly he can sleep better at night even though the max return is just 6x, I would never buy this kind of call option

thanks for reading

昨天看到新闻有人用$1百万美金来赌Bitcoin Call Option,说Bitcoin明年会超过$50,000美金目标是$100,000,很新奇一下,到底是怎么赌法


Call Option对新手来说是很复杂的对赌合约,基本上他的赌法是在2018年结束之前,拥有这张call option合约的人可以随时购买275个Bitcoin,每个$50,000

读到这里是不是觉得付$1百万那个人是大傻瓜?现在Bitcoin才不到$15,000,何必用$50,000 来买呢?


  1. 直接买卖Bitcoin
  • 直接买275个Bitcoin,每个需要$15,000,总共需要$4百万美金

  • 到了2018年尾,
    如果Bitcoin归0, 亏$4百万美金

risk/reward ratio = 2千3百万美金/$4百万美金
= 6

2。用Call Option来赌Bitcoin

  • 花$1百万来赌Call Option

  • 到了2018年尾,
    如果Bitcoin$50,000以下, 亏$1百万美金

risk/reward ratio = 1千2百万美金/$1百万美金
= 12

看到分别了吗?如果直接买,需要花4百多万,最多赢6倍,可是赌call option,能用1/4的钱也就是1百万而已,输的话输1百万,赢的话12倍

不过其实我个人觉得这种赌法还是风险太大,比如如果价格只到$50,000或以下就得亏$1百万,如果直接买的话,只要超过$15,000就不用赔了,不过买那张call option的人一来是只想赌1百万来赚1千两百万,而且信心满满,是不是数学算错了?如果他用1百万来直接买的话,到了$100,000他还是可以赚6倍也就是6百万啊,而且又不用提心吊胆,反正这种赌法我是绝对不会去赌的


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