Buy bitcoin, use Goldmoney, and a call to action!

By now most of us have seen this anonymous hero who sneaked in a "Buy Bitcoin" sign behind Janet Yellen.

Image source: Bloomberg

Fortunately for him, he was smart enough to release a second picture with his bitcoin wallet ID. According to Zerohedge, he has already received $15,000 in BTC from random supportive tips. Now that's what I call a valuable idea.

I wrote my own Steemit article about bitcoin not too long ago here: @goldmatters/when-everyone-makes-fun-of-you-for-being-a-bitcoin-for-halloween

In case people were wondering, this is MY address:


The purpose of THIS post however, is to remind everyone about Goldmoney.

As much as I like cryptocurrency as a speculation, I also like gold for a completely different reason. Gold is a proven store of value over time.

Gold can be seen as money, and works best as a savings vehicle.

For perhaps the first time in recorded history, people can save in gold in very small increments easily through Goldmoney.

It is one of the least expensive ways to buy and store gold. You can also physically redeem your gold if you so choose, and keep it in hand. Or do both!

A Goldmoney holding allows you to also purchase silver, platnium, and palladium in addition to gold. Start here:

Another very cool thing about Goldmoney is that you can get one of these:


A gold card actually made out of...... gold! There is also a silver card and a plastic card.

Some Steemians may be aware that I am on the Goldmoney t shirt tour, on a mission to educate the world about Goldmoney.

See my latest effort here: @goldmatters/goldmoney-t-shirt-tour-goes-to-hearst-castle-in-california

Had I had thought of the idea first, the "Buy Bitcoin" guy could have been me, with my Goldmoney T shirt.

I am asking for suggestions for cool pictures to include on my tour,

From YOU!

Please include any thoughts on the comments below :)

If someone has a good enough idea, and wants to join the tour, I may even send them a t shirt if it is a location I cannot easily get to. There might even be a bonus of STEEM available if we can actually pull off something spectacular ! This call to action is for anyone, anywhere in the world. Did you hear that @sweetsssj ?


To sign up for a Goldmoney Holding start here:

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