Bitcoin Cash Price and Market Overview BCS / BCH

Since the beginning of trading in slightly more than 24 hours, the price for the fork bitcoin BCS / BCH increased by 9 378 percent.
The starting price at 1 pm on August 1 was 0.0045 BTC, and at 18 pm on August 2 it was equal to 0.283 BTC.
The greatest impact on growth was the opening of Asian markets. The maximum price per day reached 0.485 BTC. The price spread began when the US market opened: the collapse occurred to the current level.
Since the bulk of orders for purchase can be noted in the area of ​​0.2 BTC - this level can be considered as a prerequisite support with a further decrease in the price

However, if we consider the general market of Crypto-currency, it becomes obvious that the main growth is entirely due to the fact that capital again returned to currencies with medium and low capitalization.
The share of Bitcoin is less than 50 percent. In addition, there is a noticeable loss of capitalization in highly liquid altcoyins.

The graph shows that the level of volatility is decreasing, and at the same time a more even price should be traded with different currency pairs.+

The largest spread of prices is paired with the dollar. This happened on August 1 after the opening of the American market.
On the morning of August 2, the highest prices were:

The largest number of transactions was identified in pairs BTC / USD, BTC / CNY, BTC / EUR and BTC / JPY.
In a pair with the US dollar passed on 45 percent of transactions from the total.
The largest trading volume in this pair was on the following exchanges:

This is clearly seen in the following screenshot, it was made at 3 pm in Moscow

After the June fall and the decline in the number of transactions among many low-liquid assets, this picture speaks to us of the encouraging confidence of investors in the growth of the market.+

So far, everything looks pretty positive for the market. The price of the BTC does not show any signs of strength, but it also shows no weakness.

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