My first experience with a Bitcoin ATM in Bucharest


Twenty years ago I first felt the use of an ATM. My first card, my first cash withdrawal experience at the ATM. I got close to the device and followed the instructions with the fear of not doing anything wrong. Behind me are gathering a few people who are eagerly waiting for my success.


Today I have once again lived the same experience of using Bitcoin ATM. I went to the nearest Bitcoin ATM and initiated the first BTC transformation in cash. The same steps in the same order, the same people behind me, looking forward to materialize the artificial growth of today’s Bitcoin value. Living in a country where the denomination is not made in USD is an extra experience of exchanging currency from two coins at the same time. Cash withdrawal is done in a few steps and confirmation lasted 5 minutes against a fee of about 8%. Everything went off normally and in a few minutes I was already leaving with the cash.


For those who have not yet experienced this feeling, I strongly recommend you!


I'm open to answering questions on this topic for more datails..


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