Lot's of Folks Long on Bitcoin Got REKKT Overnight!


Were You Long Bitcoin?

If you read my article yesterday you saw that I started to shift back to Altcoins and I took some profits. Someone PM'ed me this morning and asked me how I knew it was time. Well, the first thing is nothing goes up, at that kind of rate, without correcting. The second thing is that I have friends that trade for a living. These guys know the ins and outs of trading Bitcoin.

Hold Off on Buying That Lambo!

Now I know many folks thought they could afford a Lamborghini soon. You will be rewarded my friends if you stay level headed and do not buy into the FOMO. Stay calm and rational. It is the ones who buy using emotion that get REKKT!

Will Bitcoin Recover?

Of course but we could see a nice correction over the next week. Be ready and enjoy the ride!

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