Will Bitcoin Hit $4000 USD In The Next 24 Hours? (Bitcoin IS The Moon!)

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So most of us have been in awe watching the Bitcoin value climb. It's currently at $3840 USD! It's everything we've been predicting for years!

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In about 24 hours it hit $3500 for the first time, $3600, $3700 and $3800 and it's making its way towards $3900!

The question is, is it getting over valued yet? Of course it's expected that we will see another major correction after this mouth watering rally. It's only logic. In a couple weeks it has climbed from $1800 USD to $3840! No one can claim that's anything short of insane!

Personally I like to HODL and won't be taking a profit. I'm just going to sit on it through the next correction, but many people like to take profit and for good reason!

So those are my two questions for you today...

Will we see a $4000 Bitcoin in the next 24 hours?

And is it overvalued?

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As I've mentioned time and time again, the scarcity and demand will drive Bitcoin's price through the roof in the coming years all the same. There's no doubt. At the 7 year average daily rate of growth, Bitcoin should hit $250k by 2020 and that's just a start. Of course John McAfee predicts a 500k Bitcoin by then, or else he's going to eat his own dick on national television. LOL


Thanks for reading everyone! Don't forget to Upvote & Follow! :)

Here's my Bitcoin address! :)


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