How many Americans have heard of Bitcoin? Check out this survey to find out!

Bitcoin has been all over the news recently.

At first it was because it was making higher highs seemingly on a daily basis, but now it has been in the news as countries seek to figure out to best regulate it. 

Either way, it has captured the interest of the financial media as well as the general media.

To better quantify that level of interest, take a look at these numbers released by LendEDU.

According to LendEDU:

How many Americans have heard of Bitcoin?

Answer: Roughly 78.5% of Americans have heard of Bitcoin

Of those who have heard of Bitcoin (78.5% of the population), how many think Bitcoin is illegal to own in the United States?

Answer: Roughly 11% answered that owning Bitcoin is illegal in the US. While another 48% claimed they were unsure of it's legal standing.

Of those who have heard of Bitcoin, how many have actually owned it or would be open to using it in the future?

Answer: Roughly 14% have ever owned it, but roughly 40% were open to using it in the future. Roughly 34% were undecided about using or owning Bitcoin in the future.

*There was a strong correlation between age and answers in this poll. The younger the American, the more likely they were to have heard about Bitcoin and were more likely to be open about using it in the future. 

A similar poll was done in 2013, and that poll showed roughly 42% of Americans had heard of Bitcoin, vs the current 78.5% number.

People are becoming more aware!

I guess the age old adage is right:

"any publicity is good publicity".

If this poll is any indication, the future of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency is bright as the younger generations are more likely to want to use these kinds of currencies as forms of payment or investments.

Stay informed my friends.


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