Do not sell your Bitcoins. Loads of Predictions for 2017s price raise!

BTC is on all time high vs EUR or GBP. Not vs USD but only because USA economy and their OIL price connection wont let it dive that fast.

Yet there is many predictions for 2017 from people who were good with calls on cryptocurrencies in the past years.

Vinny Lingham

A whale and member of Drangs Den claims BTC will reach 3000 in the upcoming year (source). He had predicted it going mad up from 700$ before.

Kim Dot Com

The creator of MegaUpload is making new version where BTC minipayments will take a role. Obviosuly we cannot belive until we see but he says 2000$ per coin will happen in 2017.

Experts and Fans Prediction

Just watch video. Experts expect 10 000 USD per coin.

Events that may push the price

Of course Market Makers and Speculators can push the price but there is few technical things that may do this too.

Segwit, Lightning, Tumblebit

This technologies will make BTC network faster with confirming transactions and fully anonymous. Currently now knowing somebody wallet you can track all of his trades. With Tumblebit you will not be able too and with Segitwit/Lightning BTC may be faster than current Credit Card processors.

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