Forex Education Center / Part 15 / Trader’s Strategy Checklist

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Traders and investors must always have a gameplan in order to succeed in online trading. It’s necessary for all traders and investors to always know their next move before they even completed the previous one so as to be able to estimate and formulate what should come afterwards based on the calculated outcomes. Much like a mathematical equation a trader should work with the same precision in order to take advantage of whatever sum their equation results in.


Experience traders will testify to the importance of having a good strategy and will admit that a good strategy is one of the keys that unlocked their success. Novice traders should take note of this and make putting together the right strategy for them their top priority before entering the forex market full force. Of course, no strategy is built without experience but what novice traders should be aware of is that during their learning curve they should not take outrageous risks because this scenario has a 99% of failure and 1% of success and that only comes from sheer dumb luck.

  1. Using the Demo Account to the Max:
    The demo accounts are a trader’s first contact with the way the market works. For a complete novice this is the initial contact that will determine whether or not online forex trading is something he or she can handle. For experience and novice traders it’s also the opportunity to understand how their chosen broker works, it’s the opportunity to get in touch with the software and see if its compatible with their own trading style and needs.

  2. Get on First Name Basis with the Broker’s Support Team:
    Not literally but its fundamental in a trader’s or investor’s forex experience to be able to know where to turn to if there is a question that needs asking and a problem that needs solving. The broker’s support team should be able to advice and solve any quary that comes up and the trader should be able to have full faith in their abilities and know that they have a team of forex professionals on his or her back supporting them and working towards achieving mutual success. Because a broker that is only interested in the trader until they press the registration button is not a broker reliable enough to cooperate with.

  3. Watch and Learn:
    Take some examples from others that have either been involved with online trading or have had a much larger list of success behind them and take some ideas from how they do. Top brokers such as HiWayFX have recently launched a new method of trading through myfxbook called copy trading. Copy trading not only allows you to track the movements of other traders but it also gives you the ability to copy their trades and receiving some of the bounties of the success. Keeping close watch on other traders is a shortcut to becoming aware of what you should and shouldn’t do.

  4. Know What You are Trading:
    A trader that starts placing trades without getting any knowledge on the product they chose is a man walking blind into a lion’s den. It’s crucial to know substantial information on what you want to trade before you start investing in it, knowledge is key if a trader is going to be able to have any success in predicting and estimating the way the market is going to move next. A good broker will have a maxed out library with information on their products ready for their clients to use to their advantage and traders looking to make it big should overdose themselves on this luxury.

  5. Become Multilingual:
    The biggest tool a trader or investor will receive from their broker besides their trading platform are forex charts. Charts have their own language that looks completely incomprehensible at first but after enough practice and investment in trying to understand what the numbers are telling them, traders can receive a big win from one single move instead of several minor ones that also include a substantial amount of losses.

Strategies are not overrated for no reason, they are constantly being mentioned because of the power they have in the trader’s performance. That’s why before sitting down to device your trading strategy make sure you covered the basics of what’s needed in order to make your trading strategy a winning trading strategy.

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