Bitcoin Is Over $2000 And Climbing, So What Is Going On Here! By Gregory Mannarino

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Bitcoin is ripping the face off every other asset, period.
Yet so, so, many have yet to understand what is going on.

But keep ignoring Bitcoin (or other cryptocurrencies). Oh no! Be sure to stay in the safety of the dollar! Do not even dream of exchanging just some of your dollars for Bitcoin (or another up and coming cryptocurrency)!

The fact of the matter is the general public never has even the slightest clue as to what is really going on, yet they always seem to believe that they do.

Would you like a couple of recent examples?
How about the last housing bubble?
How about the current one...

How about the last last stock market bubble?
Or the current one....

It is always the same thing over and over, and no matter what you do or say to these people it is always the same line: "this time is different."

It is never different! and if you know my work, I am always looking for opportunity and then when I find it I pounce like a raging Lion.

I have written more than a few articles on why people need to diversify out of the dollar and into cryptocurrency, here are a few titles/ links below.

"Something HUGE Just Happened To Bitcoin, and No One Even Noticed." By Gregory Mannarino
Click here: @marketreport/something-huge-just-happened-to-bitcoin-and-no-one-even-noticed-by-gregory-mannarino

Gold, Silver, and Yes Cryptocurrency, Are "Anti-Debt." By Gregory Mannarino
Click here: @marketreport/gold-silver-and-yes-cryptocurrency-are-anti-debt-by-gregory-mannarino

"Are You Waiting For The "Bitcoin Bubble" to Burst? Don't Hold Your Breath." By Gregory Mannarino
Click here: @marketreport/are-you-waiting-for-the-bitcoin-bubble-to-burst-don-t-hold-your-breath-by-gregory-mannarino

The fact still remains that even though people see, right before their eyes, a screaming opportunity they choose to ignore it, and this is why 90 plus percent of the public will remain in debt and struggling. It is very sad.

So what are people waiting for?
Will they ever be able to think outside the box?
Generally no.

What can those of us do to make people understand where opportunity is?

If there is one thing, just one, I wish I could do better it would be this: have the ability to make a positive difference.

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