Gold, Silver, and Yes Cryptocurrency, Are "Anti-Debt." By Gregory Mannarino

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Beyond any doubt, people are in fact starting to wake up. This central bank controlled demolition, Yes deliberate demolition of the global economy is a slow-motion Train wreck, despite what the mainstream financial media is trying to fist feed you.

How can we see in virtual real time that we are in fact in the global economic slowdown? Simple. Look at the price of commodities.
How can we tell that the cost of financing our current financial fantasy-land debt bubble is under pressure? Look at the flattening yield curve.

Let me ask you, what would be your explanation for the current meteoric rise in the value of cryptocurrency? And why are the major banks so desperate to keep the price of physical gold and silver suppressed by using the derivatives?

Let me ask you another question.
Do you believe that the global debt bubble will be inflated even more by world central banks? Or do you believe that the debt issue will miraculously get better?
I've got news for you, the global debt bubble will be monstrously larger in the not so distant future.
To put a perspective on this. During the last eight years here in the United States, we have had to double the national debt, and in order to keep the current economy here in the United States from imploding, the national debt will have to be doubled again in a shorter period of time.

It is time for more of us to get out of the centralized, controlled banking system because every unit of debt associated with it has the potential to achieve its intrinsic value of zero.

Gregory Mannarino
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