Next Stop For Bitcoin $5,000 and Beyond. By Gregory Mannarino

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At the time I am writing this article, Bitcoin is nearing the $2800 mark.

If you know my work I have been talking a lot about Bitcoin (and other cryptocurrency's) not just in my own articles, but in several recent interviews I have done as well-and every one of these instances I have being outlining for people that with regard to the price of Bitcoin, we haven't seen anything yet.

The fact of the matter is simple.
Those in the know understand that they must diversify away and out of fiat currency, especially the US dollar which continues to fall under pressure.

Will Bitcoin perhaps pull back from its current high? Sure it could, but I would view this as a screaming buying opportunity because in my professional opinion, gauging from not just the recent price action with regard to Bitcoin, (and other cryptocurrency), the Smart Money will continue to move into Bitcoin for the foreseeable future.

Gregory Mannarino
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