Something HUGE Just Happened To Bitcoin, and No One Even Noticed . By Gregory Mannarino

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There is a very interesting dynamic going on underneath everybody's noses, and very few people are even noticing.

Yesterday, under heavy volume the stock market plunged, with the Dow Jones industrial average falling over 370 points along with the dollar. However, Bitcoin surged higher.

With this tells me, is Bitcoin is now seen as a "safe haven asset." Let that sink in...
This is huge in my view, tremendous actually.

This chart below, is a one month history of Bitcoin, notice anything?1.png

It is in a screaming uptrend, a trend which I believe beyond any shadow of any doubt is going to continue.

So what's the takeaway here?

The smart money is diversifying away from the dollar and into cryptocurrency,
Moreover, and this is absolutely HUGE, Bitcoin is now seen as a "safe haven" asset.

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