Digital Revolution - A Poem by MaryJanePower :)

I thought I'd write a short poem about what we all are witnessing at this very interesting time...Hope you enjoy it!
PS: You can read the full text format at the bottom of the photo.


By: MaryJanePower

There was a time when mail arrived like snail,
Then came internet, at last we had e-mail.
In an instant my message is sent and received,
We came a long way, there's even instant newsfeed!

There was a time when money was gold,
Then gold turned to note which the big banks like to hold.
The greed of the few made the wise think anew,
So bitcoin was born and other coins had ensued.

Social media CEO's had become billionaires,
With all the free content we willingly share.
The greed of the few made the wise think anew,
So Steemit was born... cheers to me and you!

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