Why your friends are angry about your excellent advice.

You chewed his ear off, about how great bitcoin is 3 or 4 years ago.
He didn't buy any, and now he seems strangely annoyed at you for having told him.


I wasn't shy about bitcoin when I first understood it.
I told a lot of people that they should learn everything they could, and then make their own investment decisions.

Now bitcoin is flying, so I thought I'd have some credibility when I started spruiking steemit.
Surely those who regretted missing out the first time would relish a new opportunity to get in early and back a winner.

Matt was right last time, maybe he's onto something...

As I talk about it though, I get the feeling that people just wish I'd shut up or change the topic, and I've been really stuck on why.
I don't think I'm imagining it; since you usually imagine things you'd expect, and this is surprising to me.

I have a theory.


We tend to hold beliefs about ourselves, beliefs which make us feel good.

Things like;
"I'm a good judge of character"
"If I was cornered, I'd be really good in a fight"
"I'm good at recognising opportunities"

Now, they're comforting, but occasionally real life contradicts them, so we have some excuses ready.
"Betraying my trust was uncharacteristic of him. It's not like him at all."
"I didn't want to risk going to prison, so I didn't beat him senseless like I could have."
"If only I'd known earlier, I would have dived on that cool opportunity, and life would be different now."

By telling your friend early on, you forced him to make a decision, while taking away his excuse for missing out.
You're the difference between a painful choice he actually made, and the clever one he could otherwise tell himself he would have made. That's why he doesn't want to think about it.
Now you're talking about steemit, and starting the whole painful saga all over again.

Does this ring true, or am I way off?

Quick update: Lots going on. Really proud of @holoz0r right now.
His shiny new plates look incredible.
He told me that he was being made redundant, and that he was dropping $300 on steemit number plates, in the same sentence.
My instinct would be to save every penny.
The guy has a pair, I'll give him that.

@tlester, @ceciliakeirstead, @jeffjagoe and @ndre1224 have all now tried crumpets, with an assortment of toppings
(Nobody's been brave enough to try them with vegemite yet).
I just hope they were all sufficiently patriotic to abstain from a redcoat breakfast on 7/4.
I've been tasked with finding and devouring some deep fried twinkies.
For the sake of trans-Pacific relations, it's a sacrifice I'm more than willing to make.

Finally, the lovely @lauralemons has made a beautiful new picture of me, which I'm quite taken with.
Throw some SBD her way, and ask nicely, she might make one for you too.

As always, have a great day

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