The Bitcoin Price Has Reached $ 3000.

$3K tested

Yes! Yesterday on June 11, the price of Bitcoin reached a new historical high, having tested the resistance level of $ 3000. This is an amazing peformance over the last few months for the king of crypto.

As can be seen from the Bitfinex graph, Bitcoin's price has reached a new high of $ 3003 and is currently trading at around $ 2950. The market cap is around $ 48.9 billion.

This new stable growth of Bitcoin has been actively discussed on social networks:

As the Twitter user Crypto_Krill noted, 1 BTC is now 2.3 times higher than the cost of an ounce of gold. Recall, just three weeks ago Bitcoin crossed the $ 2,000 mark! So load up on Bitcoin ... the $4K target will be next in the coming months as new money floods into Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.


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