Mysterium Overview $MYST

  • Ticker symbol: $MYST

  • Project type:

    Mysterium is building a decentralised Virtual Private Network (VPN) that anyone can use to connect securely and anonymously to the internet. The system is also designed so that users who share their spare bandwidth to the network will be able to earn digital currency in reward.

  • Potential:
    "The statistic shows the size of the virtual private network (VPN) market worldwide, in 2014 and a forecast to 2019. In 2019, the global VPN market is forecast to reach 70 billion U.S. dollars."

Robertas Visinskis - CEO, founder

Paulius Mozuras - Lead Ethereum Developer, co-founder

Valdas Petrulis - Lead Software Developer, co-founder

Ricardas Pocius - Architect of protocol

Augustas Staras - Business development

Matt Green - Researcher

Sarūnas Savickas - Visual communication

Vytautas Civilis - Business development

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