Nebulas the best most under valued new blockchain for 2018.


For current blockchain technologies, there are three challenges: measure of value, self-evolving capability, and healthy ecosystem development. Nebulas aims to address those challenges 

  •  Nebulas Rank (NR) (§2), which measures value by considering liquidity and propagation of the address. Nebulas Ranking tries to establish a trustful, computable and deterministic measurement approach. With the value ranking system, we will see more and more outstanding applications surfacing on the Nebulas platform. 

  •  Nebulas Force (NF) (§3), which supports upgrading core protocols and smart contracts on the chains. It provides self-evolving capabilities to Nebulas system and its applications. With Nebulas Force, developers can build rich applications in fast iterations, and the applications can dynamically adapt to community or market changes. 

  •  Developer Incentive Protocol (DIP) (§4), designed to build the blockchain ecosystem in a better way. The Nebulas token incentives will help top developers to create more values in Nebulas. 

  •  Proof of Devotion (PoD) Consensus Algorithm (§5). To build a healthy ecosystem, Nebulas proposes three key points for consensus algorithm: speediness, irreversibility and fairness. By adopting the advantages of PoS and PoI, and leveraging NR, PoD will take the lead in consensus algorithms. 

  •  Search engine for decentralized applications (§6). Nebulas constructs a search engine for decentralized applications based on Nebulas value ranking. Using this engine, users can easily find desired decentralized applications from the massive market.

Reason's I will be hodling all NAS long term.

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