12/1/2017 The Market View and Trading Outlook

Overall the 2 and 4 hour time frames are looking less bearish for the overall health of the market.

The daily time frame is also showing an uptick on the MACD, whereas the 3 day remains unfazed. Meaning that a longer term bearish market could be a week or two away and we are just fighting it off at the moment with hope, prayers and FOMO.


That said this could be the beginning of a short term reversal toward the good or it could be a small Bull Trap. If BTC fails to maintain its upward momentum or give enough hope of a full positive reversal look for high volatility and quick panic sells. In all likelyhood the market will be somewhat rangy today, while slowly trending upwards. What I am looking for is positive news in the six hour time frame and confirmation thereafter to show signs the new upward trend is solidifying.

Also be wary of quick reversals of fortune if upward price action on BTC seems to be stall at any point and people decide to quickly use the emergency exits. Quite a few people got hurt on the last downturn, and there is likely a trading pool full of FOMO and Revenge traders that will be making irrational decisions. Maintain a contrarian point of view and look for good places to get in if the market confirms the entry point.

BTC stands at $10,481 for the moment on GDAX. If the market stays happy I would look for buy in between $10,100 and $10,000. I would be cautious of buys into the $9,000 zone as that may not indicate consolidation or a pullback but a reversal of fortune and continuance of the previous downward trend. There is upside divergence on the hourly so there will be a pullback of some sorts. That said we are just about in balance with the trend line so we may spike into the $10,900 range before suffering a sharp reversal and pullback. In that event, so long as longer time frames and volume confirm the good, our buy points would move up in the the $10,300 range for short term, closely monitored trades with sells in the high $10,000's.

LTC at $93.00 seems to have priced the move in already and I would stay clear of it as investors have already speculated price based on the current uptrend in BTC. I would look for buys in the mid $80's

ETH at $457.00 may be the big winner today being well off its previous high and appearing as though speculation has yet to price it up. I would look for a buy in the $440's

As always I will put my money where my mouth is and post my trades to the comment section once I enter a position. If I catch an opportunity great, if not, there will be another one tomorrow. Always protect your capital. NO FOMO

The moral of the story is that we are in the middle of, or towards the end of an upwards move that began at 0300 EST. That said, this is not a buy point as the market could reverse. This is the perfect buying scenario for FOMO trading as it is very enticing to jump in and get your capital raped. As stated I'll wait for some form of correction and enter then, it may be a few hours.

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